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2261 просмотр
16 февраля '19
5 лет 250 дней назад

The Beatles — Penny Lane (a single & Magical Mystery Tour LP, 1967)

The Beatles 1 Video Collection is Out Now.

Two days after recording some overdubs for 'A Day In The Life', The Beatles spent the afternoon in East London at Angel Lane, Stratford, filming scenes for the video of 'Penny Lane' with Scandinavian director, Peter Goldmann. Shortly after the East London shoot, Goldmann and The Beatles headed to Knole Park, the grounds of a stately home in Kent, to film scenes of the band horse-riding in the countryside. Around this time, Goldmann and his crew (but minus The Beatles) travelled to Liverpool to shoot the sequences near to Penny Lane. A few days before filming started for 'Penny Lane', Goldmann shot a promo for 'Strawberry Fields Forever'. Both shoots presented a challenge for everyone involved owing to the Musicians' Union ban on any action that could be construed as miming. Despite these limitations, both the films Goldmann made were so innovative that neither would have looked out of place on MTV a decade and a half later. You can find out more and pre-order at

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Сдержался тогда сразу, ладно, если снова то же ощущение: значит должно сказать.
Заметьте, каков у Леннона взгляд. Неспроста, выходит, и это заметно было давно уж тогда — он стал прикрывать его очками. Всякими нарочито смешными — ну вы помните.

За это его тогда и убили. За взгляд, что пронизывает их всех насквозь. Это какое ж опасное дело, а? They live.

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