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рас Тафари Маконнен, Хайле Селассие I, последний император Эфиопии, потомок царя Соломона и царицы Савской, кавалер орденов Суворова, Бани, Подвязки, Слона, Джа


4548 просмотров
12 января '16
9 лет 12 дней назад

Country Joe & The Fish — Bass Strings (Electric Music for the Mind and Body, 1967)

Hey partner, won't you pass that reefer round,
My world is spinnin', yeah, just got to slow it down.
Oh, yes you know I've sure got to slow it down.
Get so high this time that you know
I'll never come down, I'll never come down.

I believe I'll go out to the seashore, let the waves wash my mind,
Open up my head now just to see what I can find.
Oh, yes you know I'm gonna see what I can find,
Just one more trip now, you know I'll stay high
All the time, all the time.

Yes, I'll go out to the desert just to try and find my past.
Truth lives all around me, but it's just beyond my grasp.
Oh, yes you know it's just beyond my grasp.
I'll let the sand and the stars and the wind
Carry me back, oh carry me back.
  Написал Бабрак Кармаль  

Country Joe & the Fish — Not so Sweet Martha Lorraine (Live at the Monterey Pop Festival '67)

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