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Никола Тесла


2854 просмотра
20 декабря '13
10 лет 222 дня назад

Yes — 1971 — A Venture

  Написал Амилкар Кабрал  

Once a peaceful man laid his old head down by a river,
Thought about his childhood life, his father and forgiver,
Couldn't hide away, hide away.

He controlled the horses with a handclap or a whisper,
Drink he couldn't combat but he knew he was no sinner,
Couldn't hide away, hide away.

He told all his sons of all the antics of adventure,
Then he told another one who drove himself to drink
Not to hide away, hide away.

Better men have realized alone is not a venture,
A decent man would realize alone is not a venture,
Just to hide away, hide away.

He told all his sons of all the antics of adventure,
Then he told another one who drove himself to drink
Not to hide away, hide away.

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