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2627 просмотров
14 апреля '14
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Explain like I'm five

Why didn't all life on earth evolve to simply utilize energy from the sun rather than consuming other life?

Растения так и поступали. Потом воцарилось более развитые формы насилие и ад, которого мы, стало быть, ангелы.

— Because it become more efficient to consume something that had already gathered energy rather than collect it on its own.

How does the 2nd law of thermodynamic «disprove» evolution?

Там же особо сказано: «в закрытых». Законы — это такая штука, в которой надо читать и понимать каждое слово. Хотя и вообще неплохой навык.

— It doesn't.
Second law of thermodynamics basically says that in a closed system all energy should in time be spread out evenly through that system. IE: a bucket of water, all the water will eventually be at the same temperature.
People extend this argument to say that on earth, there shouldn't be any growth or anything. Since the 2nd law says everythign should just even out.
They ignore the HUGE NUCLEAR FUSION EXPLOSION ~8 light-minutes away constantly pumping more energy in to the system. AKA the sun.

Why is lipstick slanted when bought, while lip balm is flat?

Чистый маркетинг — дорогие товары нуждаются в особо выигрышном оформлении, дешёвые — нет. Но есть лучше ответ:

— Lipstick may need to be applied with greater precision than lip balm so the point is there to help.

  Написал Густав Гусак  


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