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14-й (текущий) Далай-лама Нгагванг Ловзанг Тэнцзин Гьямцхо, воплощение Авалокитешвары


2728 просмотров
1 августа '15
8 лет 270 дней назад

Peggy Lee — Ghost Riders In The Sky (A Cowboy Legend, 1949)

Эту песню мы знаем обычно в исполнении Джонни Кэша. Но задумывались, отчего «Riders on the Storm» так на неё смутно похожа?

According to band member Robby Krieger, it was inspired by the song «(Ghost) Riders in the Sky: A Cowboy Legend».

А вон и Денсмор это подтверждает:

Riders... has this mood, it originally came from us jamming on this Ghost Riders In The Sky...

We're jamming and it's got this Western, Clint Eastwood mood...

And from there, it morphed into more of like a...

And it kind of turned into Riders On The Storm. Jim changed the words from «ghost riders in the sky» to «riders on the storm». I said «That's great, Riders On The Storm, but we can't do Vaughn Monroe 'the old cowpoke went riding out one dark and windy day'».

So I said «Let me see what I can do» and here's what I came up with... We gotta put some jazz to it, make it dark. And sure enough, this is what happened...

yippie yi yaaay yippie yi oooh


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